BD-R verbatim 50GB 6x Jewelcase Wide Printable No ID Hard Coat- 10 Uds
      BD-R verbatim 50GB 6x Jewelcase Wide Printable No ID Hard Coat- 10 Uds
      BD-R verbatim 50GB 6x Jewelcase Wide Printable No ID Hard Coat- 10 Uds

      BD-R verbatim 50GB 6x Jewelcase Wide Printable No ID Hard Coat- 10 Uds

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      44,87 €
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      Compra agora! apenas 5 em stock
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      The advent of Blu-ray technology has led to the introduction of high capacity storage discs to meet the demand cause by the rapid growth of high definition television (HDTV).

      Blu-ray discs get their name from blue laser technology. The shorter wavelength of the laser is the reason it is blue in colour. The blue laser has a wavelength of 405nm compared with the wavelength of 650nm for DVD which utilises red laser technology. The benefit of having a blue laser with a shorter wavelength means it is possible to write smaller data pits and therefore vastly increase the amount of data on the disc.

      Blu-ray discs offer 3 to 5 times the storage capacity of a standard recordable DVD disc, enabling the recording, rewriting and playback of high definition video (HD).
      For use only in drives or recorders that support Blu-ray Discs without cartridge.

      Laser Wavelength: 405nm.

      Hard Coat protective layer.Extremely long archival life.

      Excellent playback performance.

      BD-R is for use in BD writers and recorders. 

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      BD-R verbatim 50GB 6x Jewelcase Wide Printable No ID Hard Coat- 10 Uds

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      BD-R verbatim 50GB 6x Jewelcase Wide Printable No ID Hard Coat- 10 Uds

      BD-R verbatim 50GB 6x Jewelcase Wide Printable No ID Hard Coat- 10 Uds

      44,87 €
      Com IVA
      Entrega em 24H se dia útil