Verbatim Premium U1 64GB Micro SDXC Class 10 + Adaptador
      Verbatim Premium U1 64GB Micro SDXC Class 10 + Adaptador

      Verbatim Premium U1 64GB Micro SDXC Class 10 + Adaptador

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      9,00 €
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      Currently the smallest form factor of memory card available, the microSDHC/SDXC memory cards are designed especially for mobile phones, this tiny memory card consumes very little power, therefore preserving the battery life of your mobile phone. It can also be used in GPS devices, MP3 players, digital cameras and PDA's.

      The list of compatible devices grows daily and Verbatim microSD memory cards are compatible with all devices that have an SDHC/SDXC slot when used with the SD adaptor.

      All cards contain the latest copyright management technology to ensure legal transfer of digital assets (pictures, movies, music etc...) over computer networks for personal use.

      The Class 10 specification indicates a minimum data transfer speed of 10MB/Sec.

      microSDHC/SDXC Logo is a trademark.

      Product Details

      Capacity: 64GB

      Read Speed: up to 90 MB/Sec
      Minimum Write Speed: 10 MB/Sec


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      Verbatim Premium U1 64GB Micro SDXC Class 10 + Adaptador

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      Verbatim Premium U1 64GB Micro SDXC Class 10 + Adaptador

      9,00 €
      Com IVA
      Entrega em 24H se dia útil