CD-R Mediarange 52x Silver Thermal Printable 100 uds (Preto)
      CD-R Mediarange 52x Silver Thermal Printable 100 uds (Preto)
      CD-R Mediarange 52x Silver Thermal Printable 100 uds (Preto)
      CD-R Mediarange 52x Silver Thermal Printable 100 uds (Preto)

      CD-R Mediarange 52x Silver Thermal Printable 100 uds (Preto)

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      19,32 €
      Com IVA
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      Compra agora! apenas 9 em stock
      • Política de segurança - Política de segurança - Satisfeito ou o seu dinheiro de volta
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      CD-R 700MB|80min 52x speed, silver, unprinted/blank, black dye, Cake 100

      MediaRange CD-R storage media with black writable side are perfect for archiving your data quickly and efficiently.  The excellent recording stability allows your data to be saved in just a few minutes with writing speeds of up to 52x. The superb compatibility with CD burners and players ensures that you can access your personal photos, documents, music, videos and backups anywhere and at any time. Our entire range of storage media are known for their long archival life and excellent UV light resistance. The smooth scratch resistant surface provides your data with additional protection from everyday wear and tear and is also perfect for thermal transfer printing methods.


      • Capacity: 700MB
      • Speed: up to 52x
      • Packaging: shrink 100
      • Surface: silver, shiny
      • Recordable layer: black
      • Long archival life
      • Excellent compatibility with CD burners and players
      • UV light resistant
      • Suitable for thermal transfer printing


      • Archiving your files
      • Creating backups
      • Saving and sharing files

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      CD-R Mediarange 52x Silver Thermal Printable 100 uds (Preto)

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      CD-R Mediarange 52x Silver Thermal Printable 100 uds (Preto)

      CD-R Mediarange 52x Silver Thermal Printable 100 uds (Preto)

      19,32 €
      Com IVA
      Entrega em 24H se dia útil